Why Choose PDM?
SOLIDWORKS PDM helps you manage your data files and documentation to maximize productivity and improve product quality, enable you store and statistically design data safely for fast recovery, eliminate problems with version control and data loss, share and collaborate on design with outsiders and organizations in multiple locations, create electronic workflows, manage and optimize development processes, document approvals and technical change processes.
SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard: is the ideal data management application for smaller single-site SOLIDWORKS customers with an easy-to- use solution that can be easily upgraded to SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional when needs change. SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard utilizes Microsoft® SQL Server Express.
SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional: is a full-featured data management solution for large and small organizations. SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional makes it easy to find and edit files, parts and drawings; share design information; automate workflows and ensure manufacturing always has the appropriate version.

SOLIDWORKS Manage: is an advanced, record-based data management system that extends the global file management and application integrations enabled by SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional to include a comprehensive set of capabilities that you can use and distribute to many areas of your business.

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