In last 29th June, 2019, "3D Design for Furniture" Seminar was held successfully in The Mira Hotel - Binh Duong with 150 pax from more than 100 Wood Furniture Companies and related fields.
At the begining of the Seminar, Director of Solid & Soft - Mr. CHOI WONJAE gave sincere greetings to attandees. In stead of the company, he hope that Solid & Soft can bring the best service to customers,which always make the customers happy and satisfied. Solid & Soft is honored to welcome the world SOLIDWORKS expert advisor - Mr. Leo Koh spent time to share with all managers, engineers, and designers from Wood Furniture Companies and related Industries about SOLIDWORKS solutions, the way to help Enterprise increase productivity, save time and cost.
Especially, the attandees was shown the attractive presentations from Engineer of Solid & Soft with Demo SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD, SOLIDWORKS Simulation, SOLIDWORKS Visualize.
Event Highlights:
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Office: 27th Floor, A3 Block, Ecolife Capitol, 58 To Huu St., Me Tri Ward, Nam Tu Liem Dist. , HN
Ho Chi Minh: (028) 7305 2255
Ha Noi: (024) 6655 3128
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